Carlee Russell: Police release 911 call


In a surprising turn of events, the Hoover Police Department in Alabama has raised questions about the veracity of Carlee Russell's abduction claim. The 25-year-old woman triggered a frantic search when she went missing for two days after making a 911 call to report a toddler wandering on the highway. However, the police have been unable to substantiate her account, leaving many puzzled about the circumstances surrounding her disappearance.

The 911 Call

During a press conference held on Wednesday, the Hoover Police Department played the complete 911 call made by Carlee Russell on the night of July 13. Here is the transcript of the conversation:

911 Operator: "Hi. I am on Interstate 459, and there is a kid just walking by themselves."

Carlee Russell: "Um, I’m right next to exit 10…"

911 Operator: "Okay, so you’re before the exit?"

Carlee Russell: "Yes."

911 Operator: "Okay, and are you heading southbound or northbound?"

Carlee Russell: "I’m heading towards 280, towards Tuscaloosa."

911 Operator: "Okay, and was the child on the left or right side?"

Carlee Russell: "On the right side."

911 Operator: "And where they walking northbound or southbound?"

Carlee Russell: "Uh, they’re walking towards Tuscaloosa."

911 Operator: "Okay, they’re walking southbound…about how old do they look?"

Carlee Russell: "Um, like a toddler. Uh, maybe like 3 or 4."

911 Operator: "Did you pull over with them? Are you still with them? Are you with the child right now?"

Carlee Russell: "No, I am not. I’m still in the car. I can see them, though."

911 Operator: "Do you mind staying there until we can get there?"

Carlee Russell: "Yeah, yeah, sure, yeah."

911 Operator: "Okay, and what type of car are you in?"

Carlee Russell: "I’m in a red Mercedes-Benz."

911 Operator: "Are you in a car or an SUV?"

Carlee Russell: "SUV. I mean, it’s a sedan, sorry."

911 Operator: "Can you put your hazards on?"

Carlee Russell: "Yeah, they’re on."

911 Operator: "Okay, did you talk to the child or did you say anything to them?"

Carlee Russell: "No."

911 Operator: "Do they look like they’re injured?"

Carlee Russell: "No, they don’t."

911 Operator: "Are they white, Black, Hispanic, or Asian?"

Carlee Russell: "They’re white."

911 Operator: "Okay… Is it a male or a female?"

Carlee Russell: "I think it’s a boy…a little boy."

911 Operator: "Okay… right now… Is he wearing clothes?"

Carlee Russell: "Yes."

911 Operator: "Alright, what is he wearing?"

Carlee Russell: "Uh, it’s a white T-shirt, and it looks like he doesn’t have any pants on. Looks like a diaper."

911 Operator: "And you don’t see any cars anywhere?"

Carlee Russell: "No, no cars anywhere."

911 Operator: "Okay, what’s your name?"

Carlee Russell: "My name is Carlee Russell."

911 Operator: "And you don’t see anyone with the child from where you are at, correct?"

Carlee Russell: "No, no, no, but I can’t see them that good."

911 Operator: "Okay, try to keep an eye on him as best as you can because I don’t want you to lose track of him. And does he have shoes on?"

Carlee Russell: "No, not that I can see. I really can’t see that…"

911 Operator: "Okay, alright. I got them on the way. If you can, just keep an eye on them. An officer’s on the way. Okay?"

Carlee Russell: "Okay, thanks."

911 Operator: "Thank you."

Carlee Russell: "Okay, bye."

Hoover Police Department's Doubts

Despite Carlee Russell's claims of abduction, the Hoover Police Department has expressed uncertainty regarding the authenticity of her story. They have been unable to verify the details of her alleged abduction, raising suspicions about the events leading to her disappearance.

Speculation and Concerns

Carlee Russell's sudden return home on Saturday has sparked intense speculation and concerns about what truly transpired during the two days she was missing. The circumstances surrounding her initial 911 call and her subsequent disappearance have left the public puzzled and searching for answers.


As the investigation continues, the Hoover Police Department is diligently working to unravel the mystery behind Carlee Russell's disappearance and the alleged toddler spotting incident. The 911 call transcript provides critical clues, but further inquiries are needed to determine the truth. Until then, the public remains eager to uncover the events that unfolded during those fateful two days.
